Preserving the peace, people, and property of Indiana and upholding the Public Law.
We are Americans. We are peaceful law-abiding non-combatant civilians. We stand under the Public Law and The Law of Peace. We are owed all protections and guarantees. We are not Municipal citizens of the United States. We claim all exemptions. We are owed permanent, mandatory, protective injunctions. Our State Assembly is in Session and our State is enrolled as a State of the Union. There can be no Presumption of a Public Trust Interest. We have not subjected ourselves to any foreign law. We have not granted any Power of Attorney. We request and require Full Disclosure of the Case-Claim.
Declaration of 1776
4th of July, 1776 “WHEN IN THE COURSE OF HUMAN EVENTS, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.” See the Full Text Here.
See the Assembly’s full schedule here!
Join Us Live via FCC here->FreeConferenceCall – AtHomeOnIndiana
- Monday 1st and 3rd of the Month 6pm Central – 7pm Eastern for General Assembly calls
- Monday 2nd and 4th of the Month 6pm Central – 7pm Eastern for Jural
See Anna’s Article 3071- Your Public Duty
The Indiana Assembly Land and Soil Jurisdiction
We are “The” legitimate republican form of government on the continental United States for Indiana.
Your American Government is NOW under Reconstruction!
Let me present you with – “Exhibit A”. Exhibit A shows how our Founding Fathers structured America’s government and what its current state is in today.
Watch this video explain how it all happened that our “republic” was substituted with a “democracy.”

This video gives a detailed Timeline of Events on how the United States government services corporations (both the Territorial and Municipal) pulled off their criminal impersonation of our American government.