
All Gifts are Welcome and All Benefits Waived. All Goods offered are for American State Nationals (ASN) and Not Applicable to US Citizens/citizens of the US. Verification of National Status is required.


All money received by The Indiana Assembly© are considered Non-Refundable. Purchases for Goods and Services paid prior to order of Goods and/or completion of Services will be retained for completion of ASN Verification for 30-days for the items purchased. After 30 days and ASN Verification is incomplete, then funds received for purchases are converted to donations directly to The Indiana Assembly© and Fees will need to be presented again when ready to complete the process..


Exchanges maybe offered within 30 days after purchase, though Not Guaranteed. Contact the Assembly state coordinator to confirm at statecoord@TheIndianaAssembly.org


All monies/goods given to the Assembly are Welcomed and considered Non-Refundable. Gifts for others are allowable with the Same Verification of Status Correction.

Shipping returns

Goods are provided by third-parties and can Not Guarantee returns and See Refunds above. Contact the Assembly state coordinator to determine the best course of action at statecoord@TheIndianaAssembly.org

Need help?

Contact The Indiana Assembly© Treasury Committee at treasury@TheIndianaAssembly.org for questions related to refunds and returns.