Will You Connect With Us?

All Assembly Links: https://linktr.ee/indianaassembly

=>=>=>Seeking Indiana State Nationals to Volunteer to Moderate the following Assembly Connections, Will You Support Us! Scroll down for more details and to Contact with your Interest of Support!


Channel: https://clouthub.com/c/AtHomeOnIndiana

Group: https://clouthub.com/g/athomeonindiana


Channel: https://t.me/HomeOnIndiana


***Assembly Recordings: https://t.me/TIArecordings

***New General Member Orientation: https://t.me/newIndianans

>>>Topics: Recordings, Postage, Travel, Military, Prosperity Card and Bilateral Bank, ST OF ST, and/or Fed Courts, DEBT, TAXES are Voluntary, Income not TAXable,…

***TIA Outreach: https://t.me/TIAOutreach


The General Public






Seeking Volunteer ASN Moderators, Will You Support?

We The people/People Volunteer our Services to support Indianans and the Assembly. We are here to support the Peaceful and Lawful Assembly of qualified Indianans to ReConstruct and ReStore the true dejur Republic on Indiana. Reformers or WARriors will be rejected. Volunteer Your Support with the Assembly as an ASN-American State National by serving as Moderator with one, some, all of the above social media connections!

Bearing false witness misrepresentation and posting inflammatory rhetoric in public forums is forbidden and shall be addressed in an appropriate manner. No one can attend any of our meetings and gatherings in secret, or in private, without answering to a roll call or without announcing or declaring their presence.

Required presentment in PDF, NO Photos, to the Records Committee of The Indiana Assembly© at Records@TheIndianaAssembly.org:

*)Current/Valid photo ID/DL, with current Indiana Home address where living today (if address is different, include copy of current rent/lease/mortgage/and the like, or utility bill in your Name coming in with current Indiana address), and

*)Birth Certificate – does Not need to be authenticated, Baby Deed does not ‘replace,’ and

*)2/Two Witness Testimonies** from 2/Two separate people, preferably over the Lawful age of 21 and have known you for a minimum of 7 years. Each Testimony is to be No more than 1 page, witness signs as normal in front of the Notary, Notary has No Need to ‘Alter/Modify’ the document in any way – See Anna’s Article 1598: Minnesota Rule 220 https://searchannavonreitz.americanstatenationals.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Article-1598.-Minnesota-Rule-220.pdf and Article 1179 Public Notary or Notary Public https://searchannavonreitz.americanstatenationals.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Article-1179.-Public-Notary-or-Notary-Public.pdf, and

*)Notarized 1779 Declaration of Naturalization**, according to Status – 1 page Only, can use a Public Notary or Assembly Recording Secretary, In front of Notary/Secretary Print autograph by: First Middle Last©, with byline ‘by:’ (Yes, even though it is printed on the paper!) and ©, in Blue ink and Red Right thumbprint-with thumb in UPward direction and cover over the last part of the Last Name and the © symbol, and

*)Affirmation of Purpose and Conducthttps://hidrive.ionos.com/lnk/cSxktujq

**DIY Templates https://tasa.americanstatenationals.org/correct-your-status/ or Document Preparation and other services https://athomeonindiana.org/statuscorrection

Please complete the request below, if you have already presented at least the above requirements, or if you are ready to present the above, and an Assembly Recording Secretary will verify your L.R.O. member record status and connect with you to verify the requirements and get the Moderator accesses.

***Note: This will also add you to the Assembly’s primary email contact list, if not already included. You will need to complete a 2/Two Step Verification process or else the emails will be rejected on the service providers’ side. You may need to check Junk/SPAM/Promotions folders and manually select ‘Not Junk’ or ‘Not Spam,’ as needed by Your email provider. While you shouldn’t have to redo this process, if you haven’t received an email for some time, recheck Junk/SPAM/Promotions folders and repeat the process on their side.



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Please complete this form to create an account, receive Status Correction support, Assembly Call details, email updates, and much more. An Assembly Recording Secretary will connect with you.





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