See Due Process Training with template and walk through of the Criminal Information, Complaint and Notice of Liability Here!

Current Version of the MOCEE Process is Here!

Go to New Data and Support Tools 20230207 for the COURT DUNS Numbers.

The Indiana

DEBT Redemption Center

Pardon the Construction as this has Never been done before!

The Indiana Assembly©, is an unincorporated not for profit community organization informing and educating the General Public with correct bookkeeping procedures to clean up the National ‘DEBT,’ and organically lower the ramifications of the God-less defacto imposed inflation.

The Indiana DEBT Redemption Center© -The D. R. C. is where Indiana State Nationals come for Free Training to support the Redemption of DEBT falsely attributed to your vessel.

What minimum documents are required to be an American State National?

  • Declaration of Naturalization Act of 1779 (placed on The Indiana Assembly record – NOTE: there is ONLY 1 Indiana Assembly, with state coordinator Kristine Bundy, anyone telling you otherwise is misinformed)
  • 2 Witness Testimonies
  • Birth Certificate
  • Verification of Living on Indiana today
  • Current/Valid photo ID/DL – US Passports do not meet this criteria

Note: Completing the Revocation of Election to Pay Taxes to  IRS-DC & IRS-NY is required to support this process.


*Everyone is self-governing and chooses whether, or not, to take action on the Free Information, and is solely accountable for any consequences-intentional, or unintentional.

*Not for US Citizens, in that can be a ‘FINE’-able, or ‘JAIL’-able, type of consequence. Are you actually a US Citizen? *This is a Grass-roots effort and will continue to go through adjustments, as the processes are fleshed out, given the current conditions in play.

*Do you ‘Have to’ do everything provided in the instructions? No, as this is all on you. However, if you want a different result, then maybe YOU need to be the Better example by doing it correctly. If you are only “half-a$$ing,’ then what do you think you will get in return?


Further Research from Anna’s Articles with search term Accepted for Value Process.

The Return Service Process Go to Anna’s October 24th webinar at the 50:34 – 1:00:08 HERE! for ALL CAP MUNICIPAL items; i.e. SUMMONS

DEBT Redemption Processes:

Not for US Citizens and Not for an American State National as defined in Federal Code 8, USC 1101(a) 21 (David Straight’s process)!

Current Interim SIA coordinator: Kristine Van Pelt© –

Unlike NGOs and CHURCHES within the US, there are no ‘Services’ set up to provide for direct support to any agencies.

The General Assembly has to Elect to establish a General Welfare Fund and then actually Fund it, since the Land & Soil Jurisdiction is of/by/for the people/People.

Disclaimer: You still have the Choice as to whether or not you act on any of the information provided below and are solely accountably for any/all consequences.

Current Version of the MOCEE Process is Here!

See below for STATE OF INDIANA Dunn & Bradstreet Numbers – Look for New Data and Support Tools 20230207!

2024 May 08:

Posted by: Kristine –

  • Information to share with Attorneys, Doctors, and ALL This Disclaimer and Instruction should be applied to tax bills, courts summons, or any other “official” correspondence you receive alleging a debt or other problem.
    • Link includes template for Sole Survivorship template-for Declared, Recorded, and Published Americans State Nationals/Citizens Only!
  • April 22, 2024 Start at: 1:57:50Direct to Webinar: takes questions about this round of SIA on the Tuesday podcast.Start at 44:25YouTube: is my takeaway from all the videos:
    1. This is for Americans only. Not U.S. Citizens or citizens of the United States.
    2. You must have completed the SIA program. This is from Teri on the Coordinator call.
    3. Only loans from November 2021 to April 1st 2024, that have a block of money owed by a certain time which are closed ended, such as mortgages, student loans, car loans, big ticket loans.
    4. All SIA before November 2021 have been cataloged and is separate from this round of SIA.
    5. Nothing with monthly bills that are calculated to individual use that is variable and open ended, such as credit cards, rent and utilities. This will be paid with our prepaid cards.
    6. We need the total amount of the loan from the beginning of the loan.
    7. They will need to provide evidence of the loan and amount.
    8. No loans that have been paid off.
    9. Numbers need to be submitted to SIA coordinator

2023 December 22:

Posted by: Kristine –

Version 15 of the Assembly MOCEE Sandwich instructions. Referred to Article 1951 For the Alliance: From The Fiduciary of The United States of America

Note: We are still missing a proper play book on how to notice the corporations or initiate investigations via the Treasury or defacto Agencies.


2023 September 17:

Posted by: Kristine:

Version 14 of the Assembly MOCEE Sandwich instructions. Changes: ◦ added CFO strategies ◦ Congress Letter improvements ◦ Added Oversight Committee Letter ◦ added FAQs ◦ using “Agent” is Internal Revenue Service letters salutations ◦ added R.M. Congress Letter example ◦ Warning disclaimer footer ◦ Letters now use “Letter with ZFlag” footer page style (Libre Office) ◦ 8.5”x11” Money Order example pages now use NoFooter footer page style (Libre Office) ◦ added House Committee on Oversight and Accountability 2023 Committee Members





2023 March 25:

See New Data and Support Tools 20230207 below for Court lists.

Here is the link to search for Corporate Names on Dun & Bradstreet

You don’t need an account. Just use the Company Search in the upper right hand side. See first image. Search for Judiciary Courts of State Name. Once you have your list displayed, you will need to request the DUNS number of each incorporated entity. See second image. I had to do it 135 times. Kimberly on Texas will need to do it 425 times to get each DUNS number. This is a bit tedious, but it gets results. That compiles your list.


2023 February:

2023 January:

  • The MOCEE and COURTS process have been combined until the more Indianans come forward with the need for the COURT process.
  • Note: There is NO Preparation Service provided for the DEBT Redemption Process. Do NOT mistake the Document Preparation Service as preparing the DEBT Redemption process. You are the ONLY one that is processing your DEBT. The Document Preparation Service is for Status Correction paperwork and does NOT include witnessing, recording, publishing, nor Credentials.
  • Updated DEBT Redemption Zip File – Jan2023 The ‘RESIDENT’ changed the IRS Commissioner, and is reflected in the update Zip File. Note: Does NOT include instructions-see Updated Training next.
  • Updated Training – Jan2023
  • Order the DEBT Redemption Bundle

New Data and Support Tools 20230207:

First Update: January 11th of 2023


2022 Dec:


Key Tips:

  • Switch BILLS to Paper Billing and not an eBill.
  • Prepare to include in your regular monthly tasks of To-Dos.



20221203:Face 2 Face Gathering Gibson County, Indiana

20221105: Face 2 Face Gathering Gibson County, Indiana * First Roll Out of DEBT Redemption Process on Indiana! *

At this time, Anna has 2 Ask Items from You from Ann’s October 17th webinar:

  1. What to Include?
    1. All ‘BILLS’ that is presumed to be ‘OWED’
      1. using the 2-Step Voucher Process Here
      2. include the MONEY ORDER, with your endorsement on the back, see Voucher Process for details
  2. Complete with your details and Include This Letter Template to Claim Reversionary Trust Interest
    1. Example Here about Styles of Name
    2. From the Example, print pages 5-10 about the Name, and Include a copy with the BILLS-Voucher-Money Order to the IRS
    3. Also, mail each BILL COMPANY a copy of the entire BILL, with Voucher and Money Order, and Your Letter to Claim Reversionary Trust Interest educating and informing them that the payment is coming from the US Treasury
    4. Note: Be SMART! It will take time to process the payment, once they do, so continue making payments on the items you need or don’t want to lose. Any over payment amount would be a Credit back to you. For example, you included the Electric bill for 159.23. You still make your payment so the lights stay on. Once the US Treasury makes payment, your electric bill will reflect the over payment.

Regulation Z-COURTS

Have you been a victim of CPS/DCS, a fraudulent Mortgage, IRS judgements, Wage Garnishment(s), BANKRUPTCY(ies)….?

Anna gave a Huge Remedy on her 4th of July, 2022 Monday Webinar!

At approximately the 1:30:00 timestamp to 1:46:22, where Anna states that the Federal Reserve Board established Regulation Z as the Remedy. Since the IRC-Internal Revenue Code does not apply to Nationals, declared, recorded, and published Nationals are exempt from all consequences.

This does Not mean to shout ‘I claim Regulation Z’ for exemption.

Anna goes onto detail a letter for you to put together and where to send: 1. IRS; 2. Bureau of Consular Affairs; 3. US Department of State; 4. the Agencies acting without authority.

Armored Up Nationals and Citizens are able to make this Claim Now!

What is Armored Up?

Americans that have Declared, Recorded, and Published:

  • Birth Certificate
  • 2 Witness Testimonies
    • 1779 Declaration of Naturalization
    • 928s:
      • Acknowledgment and Deed of Re-conveyance (born on an American State)/Conveyance (immigrant from another land)
      • Certificate of Assumed Names (Trademark and Copyright of all your Names/NAMES, authority to operate in Private Trade)
      • Act of Expatriation
      • Cancellation of Prior Power of Attorneys
      • Mandatory Notice-Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act
      • Paramount Claim
    • Notices of Cancellation/Revocation: Note-You are conducting Business by Serving Notice to the EMPLOYEES, Wet Ink Sign the Letter! (Click on Links that are underlined for more information)
      • Cancellation of Voter Registration, with proof of mailing, and/or cancellation
      • Revocation of Taxes IRS DC & NY, includes copy of signed letter and proof of mailing-Postage paid receipt, or USPS stamped with postage and date details on the mailing receipt, and not a photo before sticking in the mailbox (See The Truth About the IRSRevocation of Election to Pay Taxes, and Next Steps After Sending Your Revocation Letters)
      • Declaration of Political Status (Note: this includes a Cover Letter and to be Mailed Registered Mail to the US SEC OF ST to complete this process. Just the Notarized and Recorded Declaration of Political Status does not complete this step.)
      • Severance with all Military branches, if applicable
      • Cancellation/Revocation/Retirement of LICENSES, such as Real Estate License, BAR members, Medical Doctors, and the like (Search License at