Update to General Assembly presentment – see https://TheIndianaAssembly.org/20241007-tia-general-assembly
After further consult with the Federation, the cover letter to Bitter presented at the Oct. 7th, 2024 General Assembly meeting that that template is from prior to the revised Declaration of Political Status that includes the listing of the exemptions and claims and when most were still publishing at a COUNTY RECORDER, as we do not ‘Certify’ anything. The TASA site template cover letter to Blinken does include the updated version of the cover letter to go to Bitter.
The cover letter presented in the General Assembly call is still viable if you had used 1) the original Declaration of Political Status for Status Correction and 2) published at a COUNTY RECORDER. I have updated the template to include that you will enclose with the cover letter the Criminal Information, Claim and Notice of Liability to put them on Notice at the same time. The link with the updated template is https://hidrive.ionos.com/lnk/LUfEWLWeF. You will still have to complete the Criminal Information, Claim and Notice of Liability that is within the Notice to Attorneys folder at https://hidrive.ionos.com/share/1u09y3adhg.
Status Corrected Nationals/Citizens that have sent the cover letter to Bitter with the claims and exemptions do NOT need to redo this and can move forward with Noticing all with the Criminal Information, Claim and Notice of Liability-see Notice to Attorneys link above. Those with COURT issues are to include with copies of their Status Correction documents and the sole survivorship letter.
Peace be with you all,
by: Kristine – State coordinator