20250120: Anna Article 5223. International Public Notice: The Seal of Time

5223. International Public Notice: The Seal of Time  http://annavonreitz.com/sealoftime.pdf

Monday, January 20, 2025

International Public Notice: The Seal of Time

 By Anna Von Reitz

Now you know that time does not exist. 

This has been proven mathematically many times, but each time the mathematicians come forward they are killed or blackmailed or threatened into silence.

Now that you know that “now” is the Alpha and Omega, and know that an immortal seal was placed upon this moment called “now” as a home and inheritance for all of you forever, give thanks. 

Thank the Creator. Love the Creator. Observe the Creation and learn from it.  Love it, but do not worship it.  Be amazed by what you learn and open your heart and ask to learn more. 

Long ago, the Kings of Normandy realized this truth about time—- that only one moment exists. 

That’s why it’s their seal, the bright Star of Venus, with its five points and it’s upward pointing spire, that reminds us of this sacred moment on Earth and in our hearts.  Now is our eternal home. 

The Roman Church has told you to live a good life of endless work and sacrifice; and, wait for your reward in Heaven.  Yet, as there is no time, there is no waiting, either.  It’s all here, right now. 

All that stands between you and Heaven right now, is a lie. 

There is no death.  You have never been dead and never will be dead. You need not fear the loss of your physical body, any more than you fear the changing of the seasons.  Those you love are always with you. 


The Roman Church has told you to suffer and give and sacrifice everything for God, but God has no need of your sacrifice.  He only tells you your purpose as caretakers of the Earth and of the animals and each other, because acting as caretakers will make you happy and fulfilled. 

That is the divine mission and purpose you were given and you will never be truly happy until you accept its challenges.  Accept this mission and grow, in happiness and fulfillment.  Let your joy fill the Earth. 

So now you know your true purpose and you know that time does not exist. 

You also need to know that you are the true and only value, because you give value to everything else. 

Money, land, houses, yachts, all the bells and whistles of this entire world have no value without you and no value compared to you. 

So how stupid is it, to kill each other as if there was something more to be gained?  We already have it all. 

Just standing here, flat-footed, together, we have it all— and far more than we know. 

It has been said that perfect love casts out all fear.  So let your love be perfect.  Let gratitude cast out anger and selfishness and greed.  

Many of you suffer from feeling alone.  The Evil Ones have done all they could to denigrate our relationships, destroy our marriages, undermine our families, disrupt our communities and overthrow our laws and ethics and government.  Even poison our pets and farm animals. 

They failed. 

Remember that wherever you are, whatever color you are, whatever religion you accept, you are  part of the Family of Man, and you are loved and you always will be. 

You are not alone, though you may languish in the deepest dungeon hole, and even though you walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death. 

The Roman Church has taught men to kill for Christ. 

Yet we all have cause to know that we cannot overcome evil by creating more evil.  Yeshuah, by his words and deeds, has shown us this is true. 

Those who live by the sword not only die by the sword, they give birth to endless wars and grudges and hardening of hearts. 

We can only conquer evil by living with greater love.

In the same way, we can’t overcome lies by telling lies ourselves.  Our lives and words must embody truth, so that we discern the lies that lay like so many traps and snares all around us.  

Embrace these truths and let them wash through you, clearing your mind, and cleansing your heart today. 

Let go of the past that has already ceased to exist;  tell your body to forget its injuries and start fresh. 

Every autumn reminds us of how beautiful letting go is, so let go.  Let go of vengeance and regret, pain and anger and fear—- let go of it.  Let go of all self-pity and resentment.  These are the stale emotions of other experiences lingering and spoiling what you could otherwise embrace today, so let these misplaced energies go.  

The past is past; make a bonfire.  

Write down the names of false friends and faithless lovers, bullies and brow-beaters, and bigots, write out the pain of your greatest failures and embarrassments and losses and toss them into the flames. 

That is done and over. 

Let today, this moment, be brand new. Accept the whole gift that is given to you. 

Every spring reminds us of how blessed we are.  So, think of spring. Smell the rain and the Earth.  See the carpet of flowers.  Hear the birds. 

Stand in this perfect moment that is yours forever, with all your loved ones gathered near in heart. 

The Roman Church has taught us to rely upon our minds and not trust our hearts; even the scriptures have been changed, so that we forget the source of miracles. 

So that we stop searching for the Truth. 

So that we waste our lives grinding away like slaves in someone else’s nightmare. 

“So oftentimes it happens, that we live our lives in chains, and never even know we have the keys.” 

The Roman Church has taught us that we need their intercession, that the sacraments belong to them, yet nothing has ever or will ever stand between us and the Living God who gifted us with consciousness and breath and all else that we need on this journey. 

This day, you have been visited by immortal kings, from age to age the same; the truths that these pages contain, they gained—- and now pass on to you. 

Yeshuah never spoke of any Churches.  He never called himself “Christ”.  He never held anyone else to the Law that he fulfilled.  

He came to set you free, yet everywhere we look, the Sons and Daughters, Sisters and Brothers, remain in pain, crippled, put to hard labor, confused, listening to gurus who have nothing to say, drowning their sorrows with drugs and alcohol and every kind of vice and sin, still searching for The Way. 

The Way is in your heart. It’s in these words you are reading today.  Awaken! Rise up!  

Our Creator is with us now, to make all things new and fulfill his word—- to bring those who are ruining the Earth to ruin, to bring justice to the unjust, and peace to the rest of us. 

Make it so, in your constant vision. Imagine your own heaven.  Imagine abundance and peace for everyone all over the Earth. 

Make haste, then, to love one another; let your minds dwell on all things that are beautiful and faithful and true.  Smile for your day is dawning.  Wisely husband all that is yours and be grateful for it. Seek no special advantage for yourselves.  

And have no fear. 

Like the American Bison, we plunge straight into the storm and feel no need to outrun it. 

Issued by:

Anna Maria Riezinger — Fiduciary

The United States of America

In care of: Box 520994

Big Lake, Alaska 99652 

January 20th 2025


See this article and over 5200 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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