Article 1180. Passports

I have lately been assailed by people concerned because they could not get a passport, were issued an incorrect passport, or were being penalized for things like child support debts or IRS liens with not being able to use a passport issued by “the US”.
Passports are issued by the Post Office, not the “government”.
You, as a Post Master (Think about it, you handle the mail — buy, sell, trade, carry, and deliver mail all the time) have the right and ability to send “yourself” anywhere the mail goes.
Technically, your Birth Certificate is sufficient to cross most international borders, so long as you provide reasonable proof of the other elements of a Passport — current picture, nationality (Ohioan, Californian, Wisconsinite, etc.), a current postal address, two Witnesses (or their signed and notarized testimony identifying a photo of you as “the” man or woman whose birth event was registered on the BC and certifying your good character.
Success has been seen by following Be sure to autograph as stated in the link above from the TASA website. While it will not state American State National, the US Passport will have US National and the Passport number should start with an ‘A.’ Unclear on the Start value at this time.
Comment below to share your experience with either completing the Passport process and/or responses when used.